Monday, August 20, 2007

You'd better Visit Malaysia 2007... or else

Isn't it a shame that when the government is working so hard (sic) to promote 2007 as Visit Malaysia Year, we have Malaysians destroying the image of our country in our visitors eyes? A report by the Star today said that a rogue taxi driver and three friends attacked a Canadian teen who refused to take his taxi when the driver did not use the meter. o.0 How unscrupulous can you get?

In the first place, the taxi driver shouldn't have attempted to make a quick buck off an unsuspecting tourist (not sure if the Canadian teen is a tourist or not!) by refusing to use the meter. In fact, the taxi driver should use the meter, seeing as how the rates were just recently increased.

Then, the Canadian teen was probably too smart for his own good. At night in Petaling Street area, you wanna get moral and argue / tell-off with the taxi driver for not using the meter? Uh-oh. Not a smart move in any country, I'm thinking.

Anyway, the Malaysians were so lembik that even though they outnumbered the teen four to one and were armed with batons and bamboo sticks, they didn't manage to do any damage beyond minor scrapes and bruisers. That teen must have been some brawler!

What a lovely advertisement for Visit Malaysia Year 2007, don't you think?


zewt said...

"weshitmesia" year mah.

Simple American said...

I bet he was a hockey player. You have to fight guys all of the time in that sport.

I have only seen two ads for Visit Malaysia 2007 so far over here in the US. Lure me! I wanna go so bad!!!

rinnah said...

zewt: Exactimento! I shudder to think what sort of image we are portraying to those outside the country.

simple american: Wah... hockey, huh? Never thought of that as a vicious sport.

Maybe the Tourism Ministry is not targeting America? I know they like the Middle Eastern and China tourists because they spend more. *grin*